Phill finishes his term as District Commissioner today, handing over to Andy Longstaff on Monday 5th September.
Letter from Phill;
Dear Member,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone within West Wirral District for everything that you have done and continue to do. I have said it before, without all your support my role would have been much harder. I think over the 7 ½ years the District has changed and evolved into a stronger and bigger District and that’s down to all of you.
I have really enjoyed the role and it has been a great privilege to have been your District Commissioner but my chapter is now closing today, and tomorrow another chapter in West Wirral’s history starts when Andy Longstaff takes over. I know Andy can’t wait to start and we have had many chats over the last few weeks about the hand over and we are sure it will go smoothly, but if something has been forgotten or not passed over properly, please let us both know and we will sort it quickly. I am sure you will give Andy the same support you have given me and I wish him well on this new adventure in Scouting. I know that he will be a great success and take the District onto another level.
So thanks again, it has been a roller coaster at times but an incredible experience that I wouldn’t have changed. So over to you Andy, it’s all yours, I know West Wirral is in another safe pair of hands
For that last time,
West Wirral District Commissioner